An Exhibit of Radical Underground Newspapers from the
Sixties & Seventies in the U.S.
The photos from the opening
reception of our exhibit of Radical Underground Newspapers from the
Sixties and Seventies that we held this past Thursday are now up on
the website. You can check them out on our Events page at www.babylonfalling.com/Events
- hit refresh if you don't see them.
Billy X Jennings from It's About Time and former
Revolutionary Artist and Minister of Culture for the Black Panther
Party Emory Douglas both gave great talks full of hilarious
anecdotes. I also have to give thanks to John Wilcock, one of the
founders of the Village Voice, The East Village Other, and Other
Scenes, who drove up from LA to check out the exhibit and who gave an
impromptu talk at the urging of Billy X.
It was dope to be able to host this event and it was even doper to
hear all the stories from the collectors, the regular readers and
subscribers to the papers, and those people, like Ron Turner from
Last Gasp and Warren Hinckle from Ramparts, who were involved in the
underground press of the time. Respect to everyone I met, and
everyone that came out.
The exhibit will be up through March 11th so stop by and check it out
if you can.
If you haven't already you can check out our studio visit with Billy
X Jennings at babylonfalling.com/billyx.html
There's also a video that Evan from KTVU Channel 2 did previewing the
exhibition. You can check that out by clicking here
Over the next couple months it will seem like I'm sending out more
emails and that's because in addition to our regular monthly art
exhibits we are starting to host more strictly book events.
More info as the readings approach, but I just wanted to give a
little heads up in case you feel bombarded.
