The 45th year commemorative Black Panther Party Newspaper is out and has been selling well.  This newspaper is a 16 page edition featuring international solidarity.  There are articles about the international impact and legacy of the Black Panther Party, as well as articles on fallen comrades. 

Comrades are distributing the paper around the country; in Seattle, Dallas, Houston, Atlanta, New Orleans, Los Angeles, Chicago and New York.  In Chicago. comrade Billy Dunn says that the papers are moving quickly out of his shop.  In New York, comrade Brother Shepp sold out and has ordered more which he will distribute at the Black August and Attica events. 

In Oakland, Marvin X (Black Arts Movement) is distributing our papers.  Recently, Marvin and I sold papers together out on 14th and Broadway.  It was like being back in 1969, standing on the same corner, selling the BPP paper.  The paper can be picked up for free at the main libraries in Oakand and Berkeley. 

Don't miss this special issue of the BPP paper.  You can order yours through the website: